Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Phantom Series #WeWriWa

Hallo paple--
Trying out a new accent, what do you think? Dorky?  Oh well, read on, it gets better.
Starting this week for Weekend Writing Warriors I am going to do a snippet from each of the three books in The Phantom Series because Book One, Stevie-girl and the Phantom Pilot, will be FREE July 9th - 13th so grab your copy.

It's a novella, a quick read with 25 great reviews!

Okay, here's a sample:

Stevie-girl and the Phantom Pilot (the set up)

Home alone, twelve-year-old Jase heard a small plane flying low over his rural home.  When the plane's engine went suddenly silent, he rushed out to see what had happened.

In the field behind his house, he saw the small plane on its top, wheels pointed toward the night sky.  He thinks if the wind hadn't been blowing so hard, the pilot might have pulled off the emergency landing.  But now, it's up to Jase and his dog, Lady the German Shepherd, to go down and check for survivors.

This passage is told in Jase's first person POV.

I shined the flashlight all around.
“Hello!” I called. The wind hooted at me through the trees.
The cockpit was crumpled. I would have to crawl underneath the wing for a closer view. “Anyone in there?” I did not want to stick my head inside that darkness.

“Here.” The voice came from behind me.
I spun around, dropping the flashlight. It rolled over and over in the dirt shooting light this way and that until I snagged it and aimed it at the voice. 

Sorry, I added a couple extra sentences to finish the scene -- well, it actually went on for quite a bit longer, but I don't want to give away too much. You can read the whole thing next week for FREE!

Afterthought:  Next week I will feature a snippet from Book Two, Stevie-girl and the Phantom Student.  It has received great reviews, too. 

Now, hop on over to the #WeWriWa website and check out some more snippets.  There's something for everyone!


gemma parkes said...

Exciting snippet, wonder who's in the plane?

Veronica Scott said...

Well Jase is certainly brave and responsible. An exciting moment in this excerpt!

S.J. Maylee said...

I'm so curious as to what he sees. Great snippet.

Ann Swann said...

Thanks,'ll have to get the FREEbie on July 9th and see. LOL.

Ann Swann said...

If you could read the whole chapter, you'd see how terrified he really was. Especially after the voice spoke up behind him. =)

Ann Swann said...

Thanks, S.J. I appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Ann. A brave boy and his dog out to rescue and then a voice. . .Super eight!

Ann Swann said...

Thank you, Charmaine!

Lauren said...

great snippet! I love the suspense of the crash and the way you described the flashlight rolling. it's so visual!

Ann Swann said...

Thanks, Lauren!

Susan Schiler said...

I love the POV from a child... children have such natural wisdom and insight and I'm looking forward to reading more!

Unknown said...

New to WeWriWa and really liked this snippet. Going to have to remind myself to pick up your story in July, you've hooked me and reeled me in : )

Teresa Cypher said...

I love how you write suspense! Cue up spooky music!

Nice accent ;-) lol. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great snippet.

Is the book available anywhere other than amazon? Preferably as an ePub, but pdf is nearly as good.

Ann Swann said...

Awww, darn it, I had to take it off Nook and Sony in order to set up the KDP Select free days at Amazon. So sorry, Stevie-Carroll. Did you know there is a Free Kindle App that you can download from Amazon so that you can read it right on your computer?

Ann Swann said...

Thanks so much, Teresa!

Red Wing citizen said...

Not Stevie, but Jase, a phantom pilot but a real plane crash. It appears that we have much to discover yet. How does one get this free kindle and does it work on a Macintosh?

Ann Swann said...

Yes, it works on a Mac. You just go to Amazon and there is a place that says Download Kindle App . I have one on my Mac. The book goes FREE on July 9th and will be free through the 13th. Right now, it's still listed at $1.99 I think.

Ann Swann said...

Thanks, Susan. I think I'm going to be going into book 4 soon. Sort of afraid to...the kids are growing up. LOL.

Ann Swann said...

Thanks, Millie, I'll remind everyone a few dozen more times when it goes free, LOL.

Linda said...

Very bad timing to drop the flashlight, it makes things even scarier.

Ann Swann said...

That's what I would do, drop the darn light! LOL