Sunday, April 1, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday Excerpt from The Phantom Pilot

Six Sentence Sunday Excerpt: The Phantom Pilot

This excerpt is taken from the story Jase wrote about what happened that night:

4/1/12   The Shepherd

            The West Texas night-wind whispered and whistled around the window frames.  I was in my mom’s favorite chair reading The Tell-Tale Heart when I heard the stuttering drone of a small plane.  In our rural setting, it sounded very low and very loud.
            Then the noise stopped.
            Lady, the German shepherd I’d found lying mangled and near death beside the road, was standing in front of the picture-window, head cocked to one side.         
            The silence was thick and cold.

This YA novella is book one of The Phantom Series, available at Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.  Book two will be out in October.

To learn more about Six Sentence Sunday, click here:


Carmen DeSousa said...

Very nice, Ann. Descriptive. I love when I feel drawn in with just a few lines. I think I actually felt the wind.

christine warner said...

Great description...I could feel the tension!

Ann Swann said...

Thank you both...heading over to look at yours now...

Jessica Knauss said...

Wow, loads of detail here!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, Ann. Lots of info and scene setting in just six sentences. I loved that the silence was "thick and cold."

Joanne Stewart said...

Excellent description! I could feel the tension as well!

E. Jamie said...

Wonderfully intense six!

Ann Swann said...

Thanks for stopping by :-)

Ann Swann said...

Thank you, Mae. I appreciate the comment!

Ann Swann said...

Great...thank you :-)

Ann Swann said...

Thank you! I love "intense!"

L.J. Kentowski said...

Great suspenseful set-up! Really makes me want to read what's going to happen next!

Kate said...

Very evocative six. Nicely done!

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Great scene! I've been to West Texas, and I know how the noise can carry on the wind and how it can whistle. The added bit about reading The Raven made the scene even better. Good job.

Ann Swann said...

Thanks for the kind comments LJ, Kate, and time you come to West Texas, shoot me an email, we'll do lunch LOL.

Debdatta Dasgupta said...

Hi Ms.Swann,

I have given you the "Versatile Blogger Award"

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