Now for today's me pull a rabbit out of my hat! Where'd that come from??? Was it Bullwinkle? Oh never mind, read on McDuff . . .
Under the Dome
Falling Skies
The Walking Dead
Hell on Wheels
Dang! Am I becoming a couch 'tater or what?
I remember Stephen King saying (yes, I actually got to see him speak at George Mason University a couple years ago thanks to a cuz who lives nearby -- and to whom I shall remain forever grateful) that his answer to Writer's Corner--my term for that awful spot you find yourself in at least once in every manuscript--you know, you write yourself into a corner and can't find a way out--is to ask THE QUESTION, "What's the worst that could happen?" And when he figures out the answer, he continues with the story, or rather, it continues with him.
So, I've been trying to do that more, ask THE QUESTION. And as I complete my armchair critiques of my fave TV shows, I tend to wonder if they sometimes ask the same question but forget to make sure it MAKES SENSE! Okay, Under the Dome I'd already read so I find myself saying things like, "I don't remember that," or "who is this person?!" In other words, I'm a bit confused and sort of wish I hadn't read it first. But then, a few days back, I read an interview where Mr. King said not to compare the book and the TV series because there would be necessary changes and he was onboard with them. Well that makes it all okay. Seriously. As long as he's okay with the changes, I can turn off my internal critic. I think.
Now, Falling Skies is a different animal. I love the skitters and the whole skitters storyline. I adore the lead characters -- I don't like this love/hate relationship with Pope. It just isn't realistic, especially the one on one fight in the forest right after the plane crash. Puhleeese! How silly. C'mon writers, do better. I know you can.
Afterthought: What's your favorite show and what am I missing--if anything--by avoiding Breaking Bad?
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