Saturday, November 24, 2012

Read on MacDuff!

Hi Everyone!
If you are here in the States, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  If you are not in the States, you can still enter our little giveaway.  It's $10 from Amazon via 5 Prince Publishing.  And there's absolutely nothing required from you but a comment!  If your name is chosen (by, I will post it here and you can give us your email to claim your gift card!

ENTER TO WIN $10 between Nov.24-Nov. 30th.

Just leave a comment here on the blog, or on my Facebook page (see title bar above), and you will be entered to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card from the publisher of ALL FOR LOVE, 5 Prince Publishing,

What could be easier? Just tell me you want it.  =)

Thanks ~ and good luck!  I will contact the winner (and post the name) on Dec. 1st.

Afterthought:  And if you want to spend the gift card on books ... I know some really good ones.  Here is a trio to start thinking about ... click on the crown to view more!


Carmen DeSousa said...

Thank you for including me, Ann. Always enjoy stopping by your place. Especially since I love your style of writing. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. As I can tell by your giveaway, you are definitely getting into the Christmas Spirit.

Ann Swann said...

Yes! Have a great and restful weekend!

Swordlily said...

Thanks so much, I really want to spend some money on new books and music this year :)

Ann Swann said...

Good luck!

Deanna Lynn Sletten said...

Hi Ann,

Who wouldn't want to win a gift card! Thanks for the giveaway! You know how much I loved All For Love!

Ann Swann said...

Hey, Deanna,
Thanks for stopping by ~ I thought it was very nice of 5 Prince to offer this little giveaway! Good luck (and thank you for the kind words). =)

Shaina said...

I would LOVE an Amazon gift card! :) I could put it toward a birthday present for my hubby!

Shaina said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
woolfcindy said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'd love to win a gift card and books are exactly what I'd buy. You can never have too many books.

Ann Swann said...

Sounds like a good plan, Shaina!

Ann Swann said...

A girl after my own heart! Thanks for entering. =)

Laura Howard said...

I want it, I want it!

Ann Swann said...

LOL, Laura! You're entered!

Anonymous said...

I would also like a chance. I need more books like I need another hole in the head, but one can never have too many holes. :-)

Rich Weatherly said...

Looking Good, Ann.
Great promo!

Ann Swann said...

You are so right. One can never have too many books. My TBR list could sink a battleship!

Ann Swann said...

Thanks, Rich. Glad you stopped by. Good luck!

Elise Stokes said...

Awesome! Thank you, Ann. Now off to explore your blog. :)

Ann Swann said...

Thanks for stopping by, Elise!

Diane Rapp from Quicksilver Novels said...

Interesting page and glad to have you as part of Books-a-Fire group!

Diane Rapp from Quicksilver Novels said...

Interesting page and glad to have you as part of the Books-a-Fire group!

Ann Swann said...

Thanks, Diane. I'm so glad to be part of the group!

Ann Swann said...

It wasn't deleted, it just popped up twice.

Ann Swann said...

There's another one that came up twice.