Friday, August 24, 2012

I Missed the Signup!

I got so excited by the launch of ALL FOR LOVE, I forgot to sign up for Six Sentence Sunday!  Oh well, I've already posted the whole first chapter~just scroll down to the previous post to read it.  And be sure to enter my little picture contest, too.

Since I am such a creature of habit, I will go ahead and post a few more sentences from another part of the book~and I won't be limited to six!  So here goes...

This is from Liz and Quinn's third date.  They are in his Jeep, bound for who-knows-where ...

I’ll never forget the black night air rushing through the cab. The canvas top leaked all around the industrial-strength zippers, and the music could barely compete with the roar of the wind. And there we were, together. No one else around.  In our own little world within a world, rushing headlong into the deep, dark night, taking on life, chasing the future, and leaving the past behind.

Note: MJ Kane sent me the current link and I signed up for 6SS after I published this post~I always was a little backwards. LOL

If you come back next week, you can read a few more sentences.  For now, check out the others authors (even though I forgot to sign up).

Afterthought: Don't forget to send me your picture for the contest!


Teresa Cypher said...

This is such a sweet snippet, Ann. So full of hope and optimism. "In our own little world within a world, rushing headlong into the deep, dark night, taking on life, chasing the future, and leaving the past behind." Makes me want to be young again, and believe anything is possible! Life is one big adventure. Love it! :-)

Ann Swann said...

Thanks Teresa! I got all fouled up this week on my SSS. LOL It's not even Sunday!

Casey said...

There's such a feeling of youth and freedom in this excerpt! Wonderful.

Ann Swann said...

Thank you, Casey...

Jess Schira said...

Love the emotions you managed to convey in this snippet. It's a lovely bit of writing. Well done!

Elaine Cantrell said...

Nice six. Well done.

Ann Swann said...

Thank you....

Sue Ann Bowling said...

Nice evocation of a jeep.

Kate Warren said...

That's a lovely six, Ann!

Ann Swann said...

Thank you...I tried to follow back to your blog to see if you had a snippet, but I think I commented on someone's excerpt instead!

Ann Swann said...


Ann Swann said...

Thank you, Kate =)

Elyzabeth M. VaLey said...

Nice six! I really liked the mood to it... it conveys a sense of hope.

ps: Yeah, I've forgotten to sign up for 6sentence more than once, LOL. Happens to all of us ;-)

Ann Swann said...

=) Glad I'm not the only one!